
Sally …



… had a run-in with javalinas yesterday afternoon. We had been in San Antonio and, as usual on these occasions, left her outside so that she wouldn’t have an “accident” in the house. When we came back at around 6:30 p.m., she was nowhere to be seen – contrary to her usual practice of running up to us with her tail wagging happily. There was some blood – not much, though, only a few drops – on both the front and the back porches. We called her and walked around the property, but no sign. We were getting worried as she didn’t appear. We neither heard her barking nor scratching the front door to be let in. It was only at shortly before 9 this morning that I heard a faint scratching at the door and there she was, limping and subdued. I immediately saw some sores on her back – defenitely javalina marks. Those must have hurt her a lot as she didn’t want to lie or sit down. She just stood there, with her head hanging down: poor girl. Well, I called out vet, Doctor Patton, and he agreed to check her out. So I drove her over and he said the wounds needed to be cleaned and some of them sutured. For that he needs to sedate her and thus she’ll be staying with him till Monday morning. Luckily for her, he said, she was able to outrun them, as shown by the fact that most of the wounds are on her hind quarters.

Well, we’re happy that she made it back and that we could have her taken care of. Buster, in last June, doesn’t seem to have been that lucky. I more than ever believe that he encountered a pack of javalinas, too, when re ran away in panic after me firing off the shotgun too close to him, and that they killed him. Poor boy.

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2 responses to “Sally …

  1. Hi Pit, I’m glad she’s turned up & on the mend. She looks a beautiful dog

    • Hi,
      And thanks for your comment. We’re ever so happy, too, especially since we lost Buster last year, very likely to the same bunch of javalinas.
      Enjoy the weekend,

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